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Showing posts with the label Beauty/ Style

Fake Bake Preview

Just got my Beyond Bronze self tanning mousse by Fake Bake in the mail today! Used it tonight! All I have to say so far is <3 it!!! Review and giveaway will be coming soon!

Sibu Beauty Preview

I received Sibu balancing facial cleanser, hydrating serum, and replenishing night cream in the mail today! Can't wait to try them out! Review will be posted soon!

Lindo's SwirlyDo Hair Ties and Twist-n-Roll Tweezers Reviews

I recently got a chance to try  SwirlyDo Hair Ties , on the right in the picture! I must say I really love them! They work great! I've used them at the pool while doing aqua fitness and haven't had any problems with them slipping out! They work just like they say they will! They don't leave that big bump in your hair like other hair bands, so they would be really great to use while your doing your makeup and getting ready in the morning too!!! I also got the chance to try out the  Twist-n-Roll Tweezers , on the left in the picture, and I must say it's pretty interesting.  I've never used anything like this before.  You bend the spring part in half and hold it against your skin and then roll it and it grabs the hair and pulls it out, like hundreds of little tweezers working simultaneously...  (see video below) It was kind of hard for me to get used to using at first, but I got the hang of it pretty quick.   It actually doesn't hurt much on small/ fine hair

Weekly Coupon Savings

This week there are quite a few decent coupons in the Coupon Gallery , depending on what you are looking for at the store this week anyway.  There seem to be less high value coupons this week than usual, but it could just be me. There are a few coupons that I wanted to point out because they may be of interest,  one is the $1 off the new Maybelline Dream Fresh BB Cream .  I haven't tried this product yet (I LOVE the Garnier BB Cream ), but if you're in the market for a drugstore BB Cream, you could save $1!    The other one I saw was $1 off of any Clear product at Walgreens (excluding travel sizes).  I'm personally not too fond of this brand for my hair/ scalp type (see my reviews- total care &  moisturizing dry scalp ) but if you want to give it a try yourself, might as well save a buck! Go check out the our gallery to find coupons for whatever you're shopping for this week! They are separated by category or by location (zip code) to make yo

Coach Sunglasses half off on NoMoreRack

NoMoreRack  is having a major blowout on designer Coach Sunglasses this weekend! Get anywhere from 43%-64% off! Plus when you sign up with  NoMoreRack  today, you get a $10 NoMoreRack gift card! With their $2 flat shipping rate, what do you have to lose??? NoMoreRack Don't forget to check out the other sales while you're there!  Only $13.99 Only $8.00

Super Cute Summer Buns

If you're looking for a cute, simple way to style your hair this summer, I think I have found a few things you will like! These super cute summer updos are sure to keep you looking great while keeping your gorgeous locks off your neck and shoulders! The best part is that they are so quick and easy you can do them everyday! Now you just have to pick a FAV and get started! The bohemian braided scarf bun:   The Semi messy, Super cute, Ribbon bun!   The cute, everyday messy side bun (no heat): The quick & messy bun (no heat): So, did you pick a favorite? I know I have! 

Review: New Rubbery Hair Bands from Scunci

I found these great new Scunci, jelly-like rubber, no slip ponytail holders at Wal-Mart a few weeks ago! They are kind of weird, not what you would expect in ponytail holder.  The rubber is round, but similar in consistency to the charity bracelets that everyone buys for the breast cancer, MS, Livestrong, etc. campaigns (the little colored plastic ones... you know what I'm talking about ;) Anyway, I wasn't sure what to think of them when I saw them.  Part of me thought they would probably pull all of my hair out like a rubber band, but curiosity won me over and I bought them so I could try them out for myself! I've been using these bright Scunci bands for a few weeks now and I love them! They are smooth, so they don't catch your hair and pull it! But they are rubbery so they stay in place well, even in the swimming pool! I really like them! I like them even more than the hair band I was actually looking for when I stumbled upon these (the Scunci no-slips that had

Bi-Weekly Samples from Organic Spa Magazine

Head over to Organic Spa Magazine's Blog  and sign up for their e-mail blast! You will get an e-mail from the mag every other Wednesday with various organic cosmetic and skin care samples.  You can sign up for whichever samples you are interested in receiving, but do it quick, some have a limit of 100 or so! The plus about subscribing to this blog is it has great articles! I <3 it!

Boo-Boo Cover-Up Giveaway

Image Source: Boo-Boo  Cover-Up Blog Boo-Boo Cover-Up (which I will soon be doing a review of) is having an Aloha Summer Giveaway on their blog  that ends July 28th at 11:59 EST. Go enter for your chance to win one of three Boo-Boo Beach Bags and get a chance to try this great concealer/ healer in one for yourself!!! Good luck!

Sally Hansen Insta-Dry Polish Giveaway!

Sally Hansen is giving away 5 Insta-Dry polishes this month!!! Go to their facebook page  to enter! There will be 10 winners!!! I'm entering, the colors are super cute and perfect for summer! Plus, I <3 Sally Hansen!!! 

Clear Moisturizing Dry Scalp Shampoo & Conditioner Review

You may have read my previous post about the Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy Total Care  samples I reviewed a few weeks ago.  If you did then you know I received the full sized Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy Moisturizing Dry Scalp  shampoo & conditioner, pictured above, after writing the company about my bad experience with their Total Care products.  I am happy to say that after two weeks of using the Moisturizing Dry Scalp products I am starting to come around to the Clear brand! The Moisturizing Dry Scalp shampoo is extremely thick, which makes it easy to actually get it all the way down to your scalp where it can do it's job... moisturizing your scalp!  The conditioner is actually not as thick as the Total Care conditioner or as the Moisturizing Dry Scalp shampoo, which I found odd because usually the conditioners are more thick than the shampoos, but it is very nice... and still pretty darn think compared to any other conditioner. Both the shampoo and conditioner hav

Thanks Hottest Trendsetter and Zotos!

Hottest Trend Setter had a giveaway on her blog for these amazing Biotera Color Care products from Zotos Profesional and I was the lucky winner! I just got them in the mail today so I wanted to give a big shout out to Hottest Trend Setter and her amazing blog... She has great reviews and giveaways there! And just wanted to say THANK YOU again to her and Zotos! Can't wait to try these out tonight! Also, wanted to let all my readers know that she has a review of these products up on her blog already, and I will get a review up letting you know my opinion of them as well, once I've used them a few times and get a good feel for them, so be looking out for that ;)

Fun Easy Nail Art Ideas- PhotoBlog

~Trends4Cheap~ I get most of my nail art ideas by looking at pictures online of other peoples nails so, I hope this will inspire some great idea for you! :) I'm not a professional (as I'm sure you can tell from the pictures), I'm just a mom with a daughter who likes to do her nails! We love to sit around and come up with ideas, sometime they work, sometimes they look horrible, but it's just nail polish... it comes off if/ when you mess up ;) so no reason not to play, try new things, and have fun!!! This is a nice simple design I wore to my best friends wedding a few weeks ago.  I used Pure ICE in Platinum (white base) and Electric! (thin black line), & Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme wear in Deep Purple to finish it off. This is a crazy but simple look I put together for the 4th of July .  I started with Pure ICE Platinum white base and added the blue PI French Kiss to the bottom and PI Vineyard to the top, once dry I covered with an old confetti polish

Born Pretty Store: Glow In the Dark Nail Polish

I just got my luminous polishes from Born Pretty Store in the mail today and I can't wait to share what I've found out about them so far!!! You probably already know that BPS is an affiliate of mine, and I absolutely LOVE their products, mainly because they are inexpensive but are of great quality! I did get these two luminous polishes  for free to try and review, but I was already looking at them to buy anyway, so I just kinda lucked out when they offered them to me :) Now if you are a regular reader (I may have 1 or 2 by now?? lol) you probably know that I am super cheap  frugal, and I am always looking for a good deal (especially when it comes to my nails). SO, these two nail polishes, which run $4.99 each, are what I would consider a little on the expensive side, I generally try to spend around $1-$4 on nail polishes, just because I buy SO many of them.  BUT the good news is that I've got a promo code you can use for 5% off your total purchase (MK5W21),  PLUS  Bor

July 5th Freebies

Okay, I found A LOT of freebies for today so I am just going to make one big post and list them all out! A HUGE thanks to My Free Product Samples for their amazing work finding these things everyday! You all should follow their blog and facebook for even more great freebies!!! _____________________________________________________ Image Source Philosophy is going to be giving out some of their new skincare products for people to review, so you can go fill out this survey and if you qualify, they will send you the product in the mail in a few weeks! ENDS 7/8/12 ! __________________________________________________________ Lego Club Magazine is offering a free two year subscriptions again! My daughter's eight and she LOVES this magazine! It's got fun activities and stories in it (similar to Highlights )! ___________________________________________________________ Image Source Also, Barbie Collector   is still available! My daughter just got this in the ma

Miranda's Makeup & More: 800 Follower Giveaway!!!

Image Source: Miranda's Makeup and More Check out this amazing beauty product giveaway ending on the 4th of July!!! Miranda's Makeup & More: 800 Follower Giveaway!!! : Hi Beauties! It's that time again! Yup I'm talking Giveaway time! I now have over 800 fellow beauties following my little blog and so h...

Take a Peek inside the Target Beauty Bag

Check out all the samples that were given out in the Summer 2012 Target Beauty Bag! Target gives these bags out a few times a year, so if you want to be sure and catch the next one check back in regularly as I will post it on this blog and my facebook page as soon as I hear about it! You can also like, follow, +1, etc the freebie blogs in my links section (to the right) for info on great samples everyday!!! Enjoy!

Trend for Cheap = Nail Art! UPDATE + Video

Everywhere I look I see nail art! My friends post the latest mani-art from their trips to the nail salon on facebook, celebs post theirs in magazines, companies are mass producing and marketing expensive "nail art polishes" with small brushes that are supposed to be easier to make designs with, or "nail art pens" that you can draw decorations with.  The polishes are going for $8 - $14+ a piece and the pens the same, and the ones I tried were low quality polishes and the pens dried out very quickly!  Free handed "wild-side zebra stripes" in pure ICE platinum & electric! pure ICE platinum  tipped with electric! My cheap solution (shown in video above) : buy pure ICE nail polish for about $1 from wal-mart (shown in various pictures in this post), it works great and they have a ton of colors and finishes. Then take the brush out and cut half of the bristles off so you have a thin brush that is perfect for small detailed nail art and des