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If I Were You by Lisa Renee Jones- Book Review

You may know from my last post about this, but after I finished  Fifty Shades of Grey and Fifty Shades Darker I found myself without anything to read, waiting for Fifty Shades Freed in line behind a few others who also had it on hold from the library.  I wrote my review and found myself on Twitter seeing what people are saying about #50Shades. The first post I saw was a post by New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author @LisaReneeJones, saying that her book If I Were You was currently in development for a cable TV show and it was "What to read after #50Shades"...

That got me interested.  I went to her facebook account where I found the above image with the tagline that follows:

Get a copy of "If I Were You" today! In Development to be a cable TV show! #50Shades meets #PrettyLittleLiars Here's a SEXY teaser to get your imagination flowing. PLEASE SHARE!:) 
Amazon link NOOK

His fingers knot in my hair and I gasp at the unexpected bite of his grip, holding me steady. “Is that all you got?” I demand, shocked at how much I want more. How much I want whatever is beneath his surface.
I’m not scared. I’m aroused. I’m ready.
His eyes probe mine, his expression hard, intense. “I thought you were a good little school teacher.”
“You’re corrupting me,” I declare, “and I seem to like it.” I barely issue the challenge before he’s pulling my mouth to his, and he is kissing me with unrestrained, burning passion. I taste the part of him I want to know, the part he’s afraid of, and I burn to know more. Maybe he’s right. Maybe I am playing with fire, but I cannot stop myself. Beyond reason, I will push him until he reveals everything.
Well, that was enough to get me interested! I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline of the Fifty Shades books and I haven't read Pretty Little Liars, but I love the show. So I took a chance and Facebook messaged Mrs. Jones and asked her about doing a review of her book and possibly a giveaway and she said yes... I was one happy blogger!

A few days later I got the review copy of If I Were You and I was hooked!

The book starts out with the racy, erotic scene above, being read from a journal that the main character, Sara has found and is reading curiously... but it quickly turns into an almost dangerous sounding bdms experience and she starts wondering why her friend, or anyone for that matter, would let someone do something like that to them, while finding it kind of hot at the same time. She quickly finds out it's not her friends journal, but the journal of a mystery woman, Rebecca, whose belongings eventually fall into Sara's possession.

I thoroughly enjoyed the mystery aspect of this book, brought on by Sara's search for Rebecca.  The journals are erotic and a little scary, but also somewhat foreshadow things that happen in Sara's new life. It's an interesting aspect of the story, but I feel that it kinda got lost in the middle of the book as Sara gets caught up in her own life, which is somewhat realistic, but still, I would have enjoyed the mystery aspect to remain throughout. The search picks back up strong right at the end of the book and I was all caught up and then it ended, and I was left wanting...

I really enjoyed the writing of this book WAY more than that of Fifty Shades, the dialogue is much more realistic as are the characters actions. Seeing as I read them back to back I saw a lot of similarities to Fifty Shades, but this is a more grown up version, in a way.  The main character of If I Were You, Sara, for example, isn't as innocent and ridiculous as Anastasia, the main character of Fifty Shades... So if you found that annoying about Fifty Shades, like I did, you will find If I Were You refreshing.

If I Were You, like Fifty Shades of Grey, has a weird, almost possessive, morphing relationship at its basis... Whether it's Sara morphing into who she's always wanted to be because she's being possessed by these journals; or it's her weird, mutually possessive, somewhat relationship with the man in the passage from the facebook tagline at the beginning of this post... it is clear that possession and change are definite story arcs in If I Were You.

It's a great story so far and I have really enjoyed reading If I Were You, and I can't wait to read the rest of the Inside Out Trilogy! I can definitely see why it's being optioned by STARZ for a cable show, and it will for sure be one I watch!

Also, the giveaway of the If I Were You ebook will be next weekend! 

Don't forget!!!

Buy the book below!


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