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Tide PODS Review & WARNING

I received a sample of two Tide PODS in the mail last week from Vocalpoint. I tested them on a large capacity dark and light load of laundry in cold and cool water and they worked wonderfully.  

I have an 8 year old daughter so you can imagine with all the sleepovers, swimming, outside playing, and friends we have had in and out of the house all summer, we have a ton of laundry!  The Tide PODS are very easy to use, just pop them into your washer before you add your clothes, add your laundry and fabric softener, start up your washer, and you're done!  Tide PODS work in any water temperature and with any laundry (whites, darks, or brights) and with any size load (within reason).

As you can see below, Tide PODS have three chambers, each with super concentrated detergent to help your laundry look it's best! One chamber houses the infamous Tide detergent, one a stain fighter, and one a fabric brightener to help you laundry come out bright and clean!

Personally, I didn't see much difference between the results of PODS and regular Tide liquid detergent except the PODS don't have much of a scent, but if you use a Bounce Dryer Bar you don't really need a smelly detergent because those dryer bars smell WONDERFUL!  One advantage of PODS is there's no mess... I know sometimes the liquid detergent can get messy, especially if you're like me and like to get the biggest bang for your buck with the large jugs that sit on their side; which are cheaper per oz of detergent, but they leak all over the floor and make huge messes.

WARNING: I did see on the news here in Oklahoma that some kids were mistaking PODS (and similar products made for dishwashers) for candy and ingesting them and having to be hospitalized because the concentrated formula is more hazardous when ingested.  It was also reported in the Huffington, Inquisitr, and the Sentinel, and if you Google it you can find even  more articles. So, when I first opened my PODS I pulled them out of the box and the first thing I did was ask my daughter what they were, to make sure she knew they were NOT edible. She said  they were dish soap (because I regularly use the Finish Quantum detergent for my dishwasher), but the point was she knew they were NOT food.  Now, my daughter's eight, can read, and is extremely intelligent for her age, and if she would have said it was candy it probably would have been ironically because she heard about it on the news too, but that's besides the point.  

I think the problem is most likely with younger kids, and even though P&G has added a safety latch to the packaging so little ones can't open it I think issues could still arise. SO if you have younger kiddos make sure they know that these  products are bad for them and will make them sick!!! Because you know sometimes even with the best intentions, safety latches, and storing things out of reach, you can still drop one or accidentally leave the cabinet unlatched, and we don't want anything bad to happen! Plus it's silly for something bad to happen to a kid when something as simple as explaining that these are "yucky and will make you sick if you put them in your mouth" would have been enough to keep them safe!!!

A BIG thank you to Vocalpoint for giving me the opportunity to sample this great product!


  1. See my review here

  2. I will never use this tide pods. I suffered for 20 days trying to find out why I had so much rashes all over my body. Ended up taking steroids and a lot of topical steroids creams just to get rid of this rashes. The worst part is I can't sleep because of the itch even though tripling the dosage of antihistamine to knock me out but it didn't happen. I even skip a lot food thinking that might be the problem. I even ended up in the emergency just to seek solution for my allergy. But after 3 hrs of waiting in the hospital they just sent me home without even a dose of any meds. They offered me another week of steroids but I decline. Doc told me i need to find out where I am allergic to. I went home hopeless. That day I mistakenly added my pj's when I washed my son's clothes where I use hypoallergenic soap for him. I was able to sleep thru the night. The following day when I wore my bra suddenly I was so itchy again. That's when I found out the culprit. I remember changing my laundry soap to TIDE PODS recently. For that entire 20 days I was in & out of my family doc and even went a couple of times to walk in clinic just to get a second opinion.

    1. Thank you for this. It just occurred to me that the product could be what started this itching and rashes over the past couple of weeks. Definitely going back to the other detergent to see what happens.

  3. Ok, so you went to the hospital, covered with rashes, and they sent you home? But somebody had already given you antihistamines and steroids? You might want to clear up your story before you file the frivolous lawsuit. As an EMT one of the first things a doctor or a hospital would have told you with skin rashes is obviously what has changed that your skin is in contact with. Many many people are allergic to certain detergents, thus the widespread use of hypoallergenic detergents. Sorry, I would seriously find another doctor.

  4. Dude, I'm a stay-at-home Dad with a family of 6. I bought the Tide Pods thinking they would be super awesome. I spent two weeks trying to figure out how I kept ruining clothes with little melted things. Chastising myself for not checking the kids pockets close enough. Cleaning out the dryer twice, taking the cover off to peer inside trying to figure it out... Is my dryer getting too hot.

    It was the Tide Pods not dissolving all the way. I bet I ruined a dozen articles of clothing before figuring it out. What the heck Tide?! I count on you to be the best and you give me this bush league stuff!

  5. Tropher,

    That is very annoying. Especially when Tide Pods are the most expensive product on the market... they should work the way they say, the way people expect them to.


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