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NEW *Green Product of the Week* Pumice Stone

Recent studies have show that air indoors can become more polluted and can contain more harsh chemicals and allergens than outside air. You don't have to take my word for it, check out what the EPA, WHO, Medline, Wiki, and DHS have to say about it. This is a disturbing fact, considering we spend most of our lives indoors.  While there are many factors and causes, one that can easily be isolated and eliminated is your cleaning products!

Kinda scary to think that the products you are using to try to keep your family safe from harmful germs and bacteria could actually be problematic! Not something any mom wants to hear! So I have decided to start a *Green Product of the Week* review! This will be a weekly review of products that are eco-friendly, toxin free, safe, and work just as well or better than the stuff you are using now!!!

Most of you probably don't know how I came into this green cleaning know-how, but a few years ago my friend and I started an eco-friendly cleaning company called Clean & Green because we had caught wind of these indoor pollution facts.  Due to various reasons it was a short lived venture, however prior to opening we tested tons of eco- friendly cleaning methods and products, so I have plenty of great green secrets to share with all of you!

If you are not already using pumice stones to help clean your sinks, tubs, and toilets you have not only been missing out, but most likely over working! If you have tough stains on ceramic tubs, toilet bowls, and sinks, one quick rub with a pumice stone will wash them right away! I know, I know sounds too good to be true, but I promise, you will be amazed by how easy it is!!! Plus, no cleaning products or chemicals needed! (You probably want to disinfect the toilet every once in awhile too, and I have a great green solution for that I'll be sharing soon! :)

Sorry for my crappy art, didn't realize I would be writing about this until I was done

My pumice story: The apartment I'm living in had awful yellow stains in the toilets that I couldn't scrub out with any of the toilet bowl cleaners I tried, bleach didn't help either. Finally I remembered I had a pumice stone in my kitchen and in minutes the stain was gone and it was so easy! I was SUPER excited! Due to the shape of my toilet, I couldn't quite get the stain in the very bottom crevice, but before using the pumice stone the whole inside of that large circle (where shown above) was dark yellow like the bottom and it would not come clean with ANYTHING.  I scrubbed it with scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaner, clorox toilet bowl cleaner, I let bleach set in the toilet then scrubbed it, I used 3 different types of those blue tablets you put in the toilet tank, but NOTHING would get rid of that dang stain. Below is what my toilet bowl looked like after I used the pumice stone (without the editing lol).

There is one extremely important rule to remember when using a pumice stone! Make sure the items you are cleaning are ceramic, enamel, tempered glass, pyres, corning, visionware, broiler pans, ovens, grills, or some other hard surface that will not be scratched by the pumice! If you are unsure I recommend testing a small area that will be unseen in case the finish does get scratched.

NOTE: Toilet seats and lids are generally NOT ceramic so DO NOT use pumice stone on the seat or lid of your toilet!!!

You can usually find pumice stones with the cleaning products but sometimes they are with the dish soaps. The Kitchen Stone, package pictured, contains two stones with a small scrub pad on one side.  My Shop Savvy app for android says you can purchase them on for $3.99 (I got mine at Wal-Mart, they might still have them there but I couldn't find them on the website).

*Clean & Green approved product*


  1. Pumice stones are a great tool for those hard to remove stains. Often it is easier to use the pumice stone than a cleaner to get a stain out.
    I just found your blog I like it!
    Victoria @Easy2SaveBlog

  2. Ok, i absolutely love that you are all about natural products and that review was great. I need to try a pumice stone, as i have stains that have really outwelcomed their stay! Thank you for being so informative and adding pics for proof!

    1. Thanks Ali! Glad you found the review informative!

  3. The Green Directory has the most comprehensive selection of Green, Eco, Sustainable, Fair Trade and Environmentally Friendly Companies, Products and Services. Use the eco directory to find green, eco, fair trade, recycled and sustainable businesses, services, news, events, articles and guides.


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