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Mario Badescu Skin Care Products

I figured if all these celebrities, who could afford to use anything in the world, use Mario Badescu products, it wouldn't hurt for me to give them a try too.

So, about a month ago, I filled out a quick questionnaire on the Mario Badescu website, and a few days later I received an e-mail that said "Thank you for your interest in Mario Badescu! According to our records you recently filled out our online skin care questionnaire. Based on the answers you provided, we've developed a full regimen tailored to fit your skin care needs. For your reference, we have listed your recommended products below. We are so confident about the results you will achieve that we would like to send you some free samples so you can try our products before you decide to purchase them."

I followed the directions in the e-mail and received a package with six of my recommended products a few weeks later. They were all nice sized samples that lasted me about a week. They came with a Mario Badescu product application guide that was specialized for me as well. It listed all the products that were recommended and my specially customized skin care routine, and which products I should use in the morning and which should be used in the evening.

The samples included in my specialized package were:

Healing & Soothing Mask
Aloe Moisturizer (SPF 15)
Strawberry Face Scrub
Special Cucumber Lotion
Hyaluronic Eye Cream
and Cucumber Cream Soap

And my instructions were as follows...
(Note: The guide gives more detailed instructions)

I was to used, in this order, Cucumber Cream Soap, Special Cucumber Lotion, Hyaluronic Eye Cream, and Aloe Moisturizer. (The application guide even showed what directions to rub when applying creams, soaps, etc.)

Cucumber Cream Soap, Special Cucumber Lotion, Healing & Soothing Mask (OR) Strawberry Face Scrub, and Hyaluronic Eye Cream.

Product Reviews:

The Cucumber Cream Soap left my skin feeling amazingly soft, was like no soap I've ever used before. It didn't dry my skin out or leave it feeling like there was soap left on my face that I just couldn't get off. My face felt fresh, soft, and smooth after using the cream soap just once.

The Cucumber Lotion was nice as well. It was not at all like a lotion though, was way more light than any lotion I've ever felt. It looks like an oil in the bottle and I was afraid it was going to leave my skin oily, but it was not oily at all, it was silky and just left my face feeling wonderful.

The Hyaluronic Eye Cream was pretty much like all the other eye creams I've ever used, just a nice, light moisturizer to help get rid of the luggage (cuz you know it's more than bags) we mom's tend to carry under our eyes.

The Aloe Moisturizer was nice. Again, another very light moisturizer, which I love! It seemed to almost instantly absorb into my skin, while moisturizing better than all the thick, heavy moisturizers I've tried in the past.

The Healing & Soothing Mask worked wonderfully, though it had an odd scent, similar to Boudreaux's Buttpaste (Mom's I'm sure you know that smell well).

My favorite product was the Strawberry Face Scrub! It smelt so good I could almost eat it and it left my face feeling wonderful and clean.

. . .

After using these products as directed for a week my skin was much healthier and smoother, and the pimples I had were fading and no new ones were popping up.

I would recommend that everyone go to the Mario Badescu site and fill out the skin analysis questionnaire today. Then follow the directions in the e-mail you'll get in a few days to get your samples, so you can see how these products will change the look and feel of your skin too!!!

And the best part... they're not $50-$100 a bottle like a lot of the other celebrity endorsed products you see online and on tv AND these actually work!!!


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